occurs when a cell or a group of cells undergoes uncontrolled multiplication and
growth beyond normal limits. It takes place due to the lack of components that instruct cells to stop dividing. The
uncontrolled growth and division of cells result in the formation of tumors.
In this manner, one can discover world-class low-cost hospitals with the best clinical facilities so to get a free no-obligation quote for Cancer surgery in Bangalore experience Forerunners Healthcare.
Invariably, cancer cells break away from their place of origin and
through the bloodstream or lymphatic system invade adjacent cells. This invasion
causes the spread of cancerous cells to other organs of the body and is termed as
Most cancers form malignant tumors that impair the immune system and cause
other changes that interfere with the normal functioning of the body. The malignant
tumors are treated by cancer specialists called oncologists that may be
physicians, surgeons, and radiation specialists.
Role of Surgery in Cancer Treatment
Surgery is considered as the first option during the process of cancer treatment. It plays a crucial role in the treatment of cancerous
malignant tumors and remains the foundation of cancer treatment.
Various kinds of cancer surgical procedures
performed for the treatment of cancer include:
- Diagnostic –for obtaining a biopsy to confirm a diagnosis and identify the type of cancer
- Staging – to determine tumor size and assess the spread of cancer
- Curative or radical surgery - involves removal of entire detectable tumor or area of spread.
- This primary treatment for cancer is invariably used before or after chemotherapy and radiation treatments
- Debulking surgery –to remove a portion of the tumor especially when removing the entire tumor is likely to cause excessive damage to the body.
- Radiation and/or chemotherapy is also used to shrink the rest of cancer.
- Palliative surgery – to relieve discomfort or side effects caused by a tumor.
- Palliative surgery plays a crucial role in improving quality of life of patients with advanced cancer.
- Restorative or reconstructive surgery – helps restore body appearance or function of organ e.g. breast reconstruction after a mastectomy.
- Preventive Surgery - reduces the risk of getting cancer by removing tissue that is likely or prone to become
cancerous e.g. removal of precancerous polyps in the colon to prevent colon cancer.
At times, surgery alone may not be enough for
treatment of malignant cancers and is
often used as a supplement along with other cancer treatments like:
- Radiation Therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Target Therapy
- Hormone Therapy
- Immuno-Therapy
- Biological Therapy
- Stem Cell Therapy
- Hyperthermia Therapy using Radiofrequency ablation
- Brachytherapy Therapy – Temporary and Permanent
The oncologists choose the type of cancer surgery and other supportive
therapies depending upon the type of cancer, stage, and spread of cancer. The
selection of treatment procedure also depends on the location of cancer and
condition of the patient.
Common Types of Cancers Treated in Bangalore
In the past few years,
Bangalore has come up in a big way with good quality hospitals and oncologists
for the treatment of all kinds of cancers.
Among most
common types of cancer treated in Bangalore for men and women are:
- Breast
- Lung
- Gastrointestinal
- Prostate
- Colorectal
- Bladder
- Melanoma
- Non-Hodgkin
- Thyroid
- Kidney
- Leukemia
- Brain and spine
- Hepato-pancreatic-biliary
- Head and Neck
- Bone and Soft tissue sarcomas
Top Oncologists of Bangalore
The emergence of Bangalore as a destination for medical tourism industry largely
due to the:
- Top quality of highly qualified and skilled surgeons and oncologists
- Best Hospitals having world-class pieces of equipment for surgeries using most modern technology
has every reason for taking pride in having some of the best oncologists for
treatment of various kinds of cancers.
there is no dearth of good oncologists yet the list of 12 top oncologists in Bangalore includes:
- Dr. Sandeep Nayak
- Dr. Vineet Gupta
- Dr. Jayanti S Thumsi
- Dr. Chandrashekhar M
- Dr. Rajshekhar C Jaka
- Dr. Ravichand Siddachari
- Dr. Anthony Vijay Pais
- Dr. Pandu Dasappa
- Dr. Shiva Kumar
- Dr. Suraj Manjunath
- Dr. Mukunda N K
- Dr. Arun H.N
In this manner, one can discover world-class low-cost hospitals with the best clinical facilities so to get a free no-obligation quote for Cancer surgery in Bangalore experience Forerunners Healthcare.
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